CIRCLE OF LIGHT WHO ARE THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT? The CIRCLE OF LIGHT are a group of ANGELS, ASCENDED MASTERS, HEALING ENERGIES and GUIDES that transmit their wisdom, healing energy and broader perspective through me, Georgia. They are unconditionally loving and have the greatest desire for the well being of all who connect with them. Their powerful ability to heal and transform energy on multiple levels creates dynamic and sustainable change in those that connect with them. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF WORKING WITH THEM? Unlike working with a "human" coach or therapist, the Circle of Light have the ability to look much deeper into your mental, emotional, physical and energetic make up. Therefore they are able to "cut to the chase" and get to the seed causes of all presenting blockages, issues, dysfunctions or limitations immediately. What might take years to discover when limited by the human mind and perception, the Circle can identify quickly and know the best tool to use to address it. This makes healing a much faster process with the "detective work" time eliminated. Almost 100% of the time during a session is devoted to shifting and realigining energy, rather than being lost in the story, and the mind's desire to evade anything that will actually bring change to it. Additionally, the Circle of Light's unconditionally loving energy, and non-physical neutrality, means they can hold the space for all who sit with them, 100% free of egoic interference such as judgment, projection or transference. This makes working with them an innately safe feeling space, which allows for greater trust, and therefore surrender to the process. The tools developed by the Circle are designed to bypass, or "short circuit" the mind (the place where all suffering exists) instead of being limited by its defenses, and resistance to change. Results come faster, and positive changes are deeper and more fundamental, as shifts are made at the core level. Sessions greatly expand your understanding of the creative experience of life. You attain, not only better results, but greater Mastery of playing the game of life. HOW DO I CONNECT WITH THEM? As a conscious channel I am able to translate their energy verbally, meaning you can speak to them directly through me during sessions. However, simply calling on them with your mind and heart will open you up to receiving their energy, often in the form of mental nudges or inspirational ideas, being shown a book to read or meeting the right person at the right time. Additionally, you can join The CIRCLE EVOLUTION MAILING LIST AND ENERGY NETWORK and participate in FREE conference call, to experience their wisdom and energy directly. WHY DO THEY DO THIS? The CIRCLE OF LIGHT come forth in this way in service to humanity. They are here to assist those wanting to raise their consciousness and bring themselves into alignment with the things they are seeking in life. They are part of the greater energetic changes occurring on earth at this time. Now, more than ever, there is an abundance of light force energy available for humans to push through areas of resistance that create chaos on both a personal and planetary level. Each individual attempting personal transformation at this time will have more success than ever before. Creating lasting change, not only in their current physical incarnation but in the dynamic structure of their entire spiritual entity. DEEP! WHAT IS THEIR MESSAGE? Their loving advice and assistance is always focused on how you, as an individual, can transform your personal mental, physical, spiritual and emotional programming to a resonance that vibrates at a rate most effective in creating positive manifestation, health and well being. Their messages are always delivered in a voice that is compassionate, gentle and often very humorous. WHAT ARE SESSIONS LIKE WITH THEM? Their energy is astoundingly beautiful. Each interaction with them leaves you feeling more powerfully and positively focused, cleared and healed. With the number of ways their energy manifests through me, each session can utilize the perfect technique or techniques for the most effective transformational results. DO THEY ONLY DO HEALING WORK? LIFE COACH, HEALER, FRIEND, GUIDE, the CIRCLE OF LIGHT can adjust their energy for your needs. Whatever stage of personal development you are at their insight and wisdom will help you continue to move forward powerfully. They are concerned not only with clearing blockages and healing the wounds of the past but with EVOLVING each individual into the POWERFUL CREATOR and MIRACULOUS MANIFESTOR they truly are. Extending our notions of ourselves to the next level of humanity's development. BRING IT ON! |